
come with me ;;)

Thursday, May 27, 2010

header VS headache

Huh,,, i'm not well today :(. I've got symptoms to get fever. It gives me a sore throat *kesat je rasa, dah kalis air dah tekak ni*. It makes me cough and sneezing *uhuk2,,, haisyim!* Asyik sebut nama abang hasyim je, hehe :p. Every breath i exhale felt so warm *boleh tak kalau tak nak nafas? hee*. Ni mesti sebab cuaca tak menentu *hujan panas, hujan panas*. Ok dah, kedatangan aku ke mari bukan nak cakap pasal ni pun. Hopefully i will get well soon :)

Adoiyaa,,, bila dah 24 hours on9 dan asyik menghadap laptop ni saja, bosan juga. Bukan juga la, memang bosan pun. But what can i do? I have no choice, yup. Urm,,, kebetulan, i've got new job *job la sangat*. Early of this week, Issareni asked me to help her to create a header for her blog. Aku on saja lagipun tak tahu nak buat apa jugak. But as usual, i had a problem to come up with great new idea. Yela, aku bukan pro pun bab-bab edit ni *edit biasa2 boleh la*. Baru saja dalam peringkat bertatih. Cuma 1 saja. Since i'm interested in it, that's why la aku keep going in it.

Thus, after i take a look for her new template, then i started to search the images that use the same colour elements which is white, black and red. From the search, i found so many interesting images but i manage to choose these 2 images:

The 1st image has given me an idea to create a header look like a turning page. Because of this is a new idea, i'm not that sure that i could make it. 2nd one was chosen because it suits to the template colours and the theme which is LOVE. However, i was stuck in the middle. How will i combine those images with her quote 'where there is great love, there r always miracles' and her pic?

Alhamdulillah for finally i found the way how to create and finish it. Taraa~~~

How it looks? simple right? Actually, i do not use the whole of this week to edit it. But because of i'm not in the right mood, that's why it took time before it was completely done. I just started edit it 2 nights ago. I started at 8 pm and stop 9 pm to watch 'The Biggest Loser' *hee,,, yang ni tak boleh miss*. Then i continued on editing at 10.30 pm. Everything has been done before 12 am. I was so satisfied because i could create it as what i wanted it to be. I am happy too when she loves it (:

Huu,,, i thought better i stop here since i have a headache right now. Tak boleh menghadap lappy lagi dah. Rasa macam ada orang main kompang pun ada kat dalam kepala ni. Argh,,, i need panadol for my head and strepsils for my throat. Tata ^^

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Don't Judge the Content by its Title

Alright, it's time for sharing. As i mentioned here recently, before i went to programme 'Simposium Budaya Islam Darul Iman', I spent my time at my aunt's house for about 4 days *if i'm not mistaken*. I was so excited to see my little cousin, Hazim walks.

Unfortunately when I stepped in into the house, I found that he was sleeping -_- Zzzz
"Owh, he doesn't look chubby anymore"
Since i had nothing to do, then I slept. Bila dah agak nak nyenyak tu, dengar la suara makcik saya cakap dengan Hazim *walaupun Ajim tak pandai cakap lagi, hee ;)*

Then, I woke up
"Ajim...". He seemed so surprised for my presence. He stared at me with his innocent eyes. Tried to identify who is a lady with bunk face in front of him right now. Kept recalling the memories remain between us. Slowly he approached me even he himself was unsure with the action he took. I was waiting with full of curiosity. My heart kept asking "what is he going to do to me?" kiss me? hug me? or beat me??? Hahahaha =))

As he sat right close to me, he tried to point something to my face. I lowered my head so that he could reach me. Without my expectation, he touched my nose with his little finger then smiled. Out of our control, my aunt and me burst out laughing Hahahahah,,, so super duper cute right? Ouwh my Hazim
For that, he left me and crawled towards his mom. Ngee,, my little hazim get blush ^^. It is an awesome ice breaking ever :D. Hee,,, actually this is not related to the title of this entry but it just for the introduction.

Lets back to the title. Al-kisah,,, One night at my aunt's house, while we were having late night talks, she showed me the latest book she bought. She asked me to read that book since she thought that i might be gain lots of moral values through it. Nak tahu buku apa? Ni diaaa...

Hurm,,, actually sudah lama saya tahu pasal kewujudan buku ni. Tapi tak rasa nak baca pun sebab apa yang bermain dalam dalam kepala ni??? Buku ni mesti pasal kahwin. Persediaan ke gerbang perkahwinan dan macam-macam lagi la pasal rumah tangga ni.

Nak dijadikan cerita... 1 malam ni saya pergi la 1 ceramah yang diberi tajuk MUHASABAH CINTA. *waah,,, bukan cinta itu yup*. Ustaz yang sampaikan ceramah ni sangat best and up-to-date. Kagum dengan cara ustaz ni 'relate'kan sesuatu keadaan dengan situasi semasa. Setiap contoh yang diberi terasa sangat dekat dengan diri remaja.

Bila sudah mula jatuh cinta dengan ceramah ni, baru la saya tahu rupa-rupanya ustaz ni la penulis buku di atas. Time tu mula la tergedik-gedik rasa nak bercinta dengan buku ni, mia,,,hahaha =)). Okies, actually my roommate has this book but because of time constraints, so i don't have the opportunity to read it before. Yela... for me, baca buku ni perlukan masa yang betul-betul tenang. Kalau tak, tak boleh fokus. Feel pun susah nak dapat. Betul tak???

Tak sangka pulak makcik saya pun ada buku ni and it just came at the right time. Thus, bila sudah dapat peluang ini, maka dengan ini bermula la kisah percintaan Azri Safirah dengan AKU TERIMA NIKAHNYA. Honestly, i actually was influenced much by my aunt to read it :).
Kan betul apa yang saya cakap. Bila dah baca pada masa yang sesuai, maka sangat mudah saya sedut *srrruuuupppp* isi kandungannya. 1 hari pun dah habis baca. GOOD JOB zEri!

My comment... refer la to the title of this entry n_n. Tak dapat disangkal lagi apa yang makcik saya cakap. Buku ni memang THUMBS UP. Filled with lesson and advice. It's more to motivation. Setiap pengajaran dan nasihat yang diselitkan buat saya terfikir tentang kebenaran. Has calling me back to reality. Yup,,, ini la kebenaran yang terjadi hari ni, tika dan saat ini.

Kesimpulannya, this book is not just about marriage. Besides the writer shares about his experience himself, but at the same time ia nya sangat sesuai bagi remaja macam saya ni untuk baca supaya dapat fikir dan mencari sejauh mana kebenaran setiap tindak-tanduk yang kita lakukan. *ehem2,,, terkeluar bidang dah aku ni nampaknya. sorry*

Sharing is caring kan? So, saya nak share la sedikit one of part yang paling menyengat dan melekat kat kepala ni. Overall, it has touched my heart. Seriously...

"Sebelum kamu sentuh seorang perempuan yang kamu angkat sebagai bidadari hidupmu itu tanpa ikatan sah yang menghalalkannya, fikirkan kembali sakitnya ibu perempuan itu mengeluarkannya dari perut bersabung nyawa. Sanggup merisikokan mati, demi melahirkan seorang anak perempuan yang suci bagai kain putih. Hari ini kamu yang muncul tiba-tiba dalam hidupnya itu, mahu mencemarkan perempuan itu??? Tergamak kamu???
Teruskan... Jika kalian cukup macho untuk membuktikan diri kalian memang tak pernah peduli pada perasaan ibu yang membawa kalian datang ke dalam kehidupan ini. Pada kesakitan dan derita mereka, pada usaha mereka memilih pakaian, makanan, ubat, rumah dan pelajaran yang terbaik selama ini. Kerana nafsu kalian adalah satu-satunya yang terpenting pada tika dan saat ini.

Ada yang terasa? Silakan.

Pelikkah cinta tanpa berkenalan, keluar makan-makan, berbalas emel dan sms??? Itu lah kisah Hasrizal Abdul Jamil :)

Friday, May 21, 2010

persoalan yang terjawab

Hari ini aku terpanggil untuk share 1 benda yang memang penting. Actually, it's been long time ago i already mentioned about this matter.

Dipendekkan cerita...
Last month time temankan makcik pergi 1 butik tudung kat KL ni kan. Maka aku amat lah leka layan makcik pilih tudung sambil jaga YB Ajim ni *kamu sangat berat yup, ngee ^^*. Terasyik juga aku tengok akak-akak yang kerja situ *comey2, cantik2, anggun mutu keunggulan...dah! hikhik* dengan pakai tudung trend and latest fashion. fuyoohhh,,,marvelous! 

Lepas tu, bila langkah saja kaki ini keluar dari butik tu, mulut ni laju je aju soalan kat makcik aku.
"Ngoh, perasan x. Ramai orang pakai tudung sekarang ni ikat sanggul tinggi ork?"
Makcik aku jawab tanda respon "Hmmm,,, memang pun. Dia nak bagi nampak lawo"
Aku terus tanya lagi "Tapi bukan ke x baik?"
*x baik=berdosa*
Apa lagi, makcik aku pun terus la share "Tu ah. Antara perkara yang dilaknat Allah adalah wanita yang menampakkan/meninggikan sanggul di kepalanya sedangkan mereka brtudung dan tu la yang akan berlaku di akhir zaman" 

Haaa,,, lebih kurang macam tu la makcik aku bagitahu. Kami pun terus la discuss sampai dah betul-betul rasa puas hati.

Aku tahu pasal ni pun masa aku sekolah menengah dulu melalui 1 tazkirah pagi yang Ustazah Mariam sampaikan tentang TANDA-TANDA AKHIR ZAMAN time perhimpunan. Pejam celik, pejam celik, muncul 1 lagi tanda akhir zaman. Time tu, trend pakai tudung macam tu, mana keluar lagi. So, aku pun tak fikir sangat. Tapi bila dah akhir-akhir ni ramai sangat orang pakai macam tu termasuk selebriti-selebriti bertudung yang famous lagi fofular, aku mula teringat balik pasal tazkirah tu. Yup,,, ianya terbukti dan telah pun berlaku sekarang ni. Persoalannya, those yang pakai macam tu tahu tak apa yang diorang buat tu berdosa eyh??? 

Aku tak akan start tulis pasal ni kalau aku tak baca marel *klik, klik* punya blog. Ok, bagi mengukuhkan lagi fakta ini, kat sini aku nak highlight kisah ini...

It's a trend nowadays that many muslim Malaysian women are into the new hijab wearing i.e. wearing a shawl-like syrian style hijab. I posted on my Fb status recently stating that I too, would want to wear the syrian women hijab style with high bun but unfortunately my hair is short thus cannot tie or do a bun at all.I also received few suggestions to buy fake buns online or at Arzu, KLCC.

I used to study in an arabic-medium school and had learned that when you wear tudung, you're not supposed to show any indication that your hair is long by tying your hair really high/do a bun until men can notice the presence of your long hair eventhough you wear your cover/hijab. That defeats the purpose of wearing a hijab.However, I can't remember the hukum whether it's haram or harus or makruh.

Being curious, I googled about this sanggul arab issue and found the hadith related:

akan muncul dalam kalangan umatku di akhir zaman, kaum lelaki yang menunggang sambil duduk di atas pelana, lalu mereka turun di depan pintu-pintu masjid. Wanita-wanita mereka( isteri mereka atau anak perempuan), berpakaian tetapi seperti bertelanjang ( nipis&ketat). Di atas kepala mereka pula(wanita) terdapat bonggolan (sanggul atau tocang) seperti bonggol unta yang lemah gemalai. Oleh itu laknatlah mereka semua. Sesungguhnya mereka adalah wanita-wanita yang terlaknat- hadith riwayat Ahmad, jil.2, ms. 223.

Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda:

“dua golongan penghuni neraka yang mana aku sendiri belum pernah melihat keadaan mereka didunia: golongan yang membawa cemeti seperti seekor lembu lalu menggunakannya untuk memukul manusia dan juga kaum wanita yang berpakaian seperti bertelanjang, menggoyangkan badan dan berlenggang-lenggok, kepala mereka ada suatu seperti bonggol di kepala unta yang bergoyang-goyang. Mereka tentu tidak akan memasuki syurga atau mencium baunya sedangkan bau syurga itu dapat dihidu dari jarak perjalanan begitu dan begini” –hadith riwayat Muslim. Hadith no 212

I would say that I was tempted at first as I saw some women/celebraties/tv presenters looked really pretty wearing the syrian style hijab with high sanggul/bun. Sometimes, bila nak cantik, manusia selalu lupa pada hukum walaupon dah belajar.I am one of them. Bila nak buat benda jahat, laju je.
Anyway, in wearing hijab,niat perlukah menghalalkan cara? I dare not jatuhkan hukum or say that it is haram wearing the fake sanggul arab.However,at the moment, I'll just forget about buying the sanggul arab thingy.


Sunday, May 16, 2010

thank you, teacher


This post is suppose to post on 16th May but since i have a problem with my laziness ^^ then I'm here today to wish Happy Teacher's Day

1st: to Cikgu Rosni. 1st teacher yang mengajar saya which is my kindergaten teacher. Bila cakap pasal tadika, tak ada la banyak sangat kenangan other than get to know with new people, how interact and make friends with them. Besides saya kan good girl. So no problem la, ngee ^^. Tapi kan tetiba teringat kat 1 funny story ni. But it's not bout me instead bout my bro.

Cite ni start bila Cikgu Rosni continue ajar benda baru. Since my bro and me dah tahu how to read the basic words, then she started to teach us kata ganda tapi menunjukkan bilangan 1. For example, rama-rama, kupu-kupu, labah-labah and many others. When Cikgu Rosni tested me, then I passed successfully *as usual :p*.

Next, my bro's turn. All of the words he did well except 1 word which is gula-gula. Hahahahaha =)) But why??? K, sebabnya orang Terengganu kan panggil gula-gula tu coklat. So, bila dia dah tengok gambar coklat (gula-gula)
kat buku tu, then dia dengan konfidennya *memang muka tak tahu malu, kuikuikui*

G.U gu, L.A la,= gula... G.U gu, L.A la,= gula... coklat-coklat.
Wah,,,kah3 =)) It was so funny + dia sebut dengan kuatnya, ye la konfiden la katakan. Hehe,,, i didn't expect that he will state coklat-coklat since he could spell that word well at the beginning. Then he kept repeating the same mistake until our teacher closed the picture and he realised the word is actually gula so it supposed to be gula-gula *sweet :D*.

Hurm,,, tu la. Siapa cakap cikgu tadika tak penting? Even we just learn the basic things there, tapi dengan benda-benda basic ni la kita dapat kuasai the next lesson dengan baik. Untuk itu, Selamat Hari Guru, Cikgu Rosni. Jasamu sentiasa dikenang :). Teruskan usaha murni cikgu dalam mengajar anak-anak kampung kita yup.

2nd: to all of SK JambuBongkok's teachers since 1996-2001 especially kat cikgu-cikgu yang dah mengajar saya sepanjang saya kat sekolah rendah.
Actually, bila cakap je pasal Teacher's Day, it reminds me to the 1 of the poem that i've learnt at primary school which is
16 Mei Hari Guru...
Hari mengenang jasa-jasamu...

Hehe,,, i just could remember 2 lines of that poem... If i'm not mistaken, I learnt this poem in Cikgu Fazli class. See, even I couldn't remember all lines of that poem but i still remember my teacher's name *tapi tak sure spelling betul ke tak, hehe*. It was 12 years ago. Time passes so fast right?

Ok, let me list down nama-nama cikgu yang dah mengajar saya walaupun tak semua saya dapat ingat kot *nak test power*. 

Ckgu Ibrahim Muda (BM), Teacher Surya Adinan (BI), Ustz Mazlan (PAI), Ckgu Ramzi Abdullah (PJ), Ckgu Radzi (Muzik), Ckgu Suriati (BM), Ustz Salim (PAI), Ckgu Fazli (BM), Sir Halim (BI), Ustzh Nazarah (PAI), Ckgu Salim (BM), Ckgu Anuar (Sns), Teacher Suriani (BI), Ckgu Hariati (KT), Ustzh Zaharah Yusuf (PAI), Cikgu Bashar (BM), Ckgu Azami Ismail (KT), Ustzh Zaharah Ibrahim (PAI), Ckgu Maa Kalsum Abd Ghani (Math&Sns), Teacher Gayah Aris (BI), Ckgu Wan Azhan (BM&KH), Ckgu Razali (Math)...

Ni je yang termampu but it's not so bad right for i could remember at least more than 20 names.
Haa,,, tak lupa kat cikgu-cikgu kelas KAFA: Ustazah Rosnani, Ustazah Laila & Pak Ngah.
Then, Mk Teh *tok guru mengaji* yang ajar aku dari tak kenal alif ba taa hingga kenal hukum-hukum tajwid sampai la khatam al-Quran, Alhamdulillah... Hanya Allah mampu membalasnya. Amin (:

3rd: to all of SMK Merchang's teachers since 2002-2006 especially to: 

form 1
BM: Ckgu Raihan
BI: Teacher Adini
MATH: Ckgu Razali
SNS: Ckgu Zul Akhman
SEJ: Ckgu Sitino
GEO: Ckgu Maheran
PAI: Ustzh Mariam
KH: Ckgu Ramzi

form 2
BM: Ckgu Adzmi
BI: Teacher Adini
MATH: Ckgu Sufian
SNS: Ckgu _________
SEJ: Ckgu Hasimudin
GEO: Ckgu Susilawati
PAI: Ustzh Sapinah
KH: Ckgu Nurul Huda

form 3
BM: Ckgu Hasimudin
BI: Teacher Rohani
MATH: Ckgu Izainudin
SNS: Ckgu Zainun
SEJ: Ckgu Zainudin
GEO: Ckgu Azam
PAI: Ustzh Mariam
KH: Ckgu _________

form 4
BM: Ckgu Mohamad
BI: Teacher Nurmizan
MATH: Ckgu Rasul
PAI: Ustaz Hasan
SEJ: Ckgu Wan Ilyas
+MATH: Ckgu Suzana
FZK: Ckgu Norubiah
KIM: Ckgu Aziz
BIO: Ckgu Rozita

form 5
BM: Ckgu Noriah
BI: Teacher Nurmizan
MATH: Ckgu Haminah
PAI: Ustzh Noriah
SEJ: Ckgu Samad
+MATH: Ckgu Suzana
FZK: Ckgu Sulong
KIM: Ckgu Aminah
BIO: Ckgu Rozita
EST: Teacher Rusmilia 

Owh,,, really sorry for i couldn't remember all the teachers that have taught me. I just can't memorise their name but i still remember their face clearly in my mind. I appreciate your sacrifice completely. Because of your unconditional sacrifices, you have sent me to continue my study at the matriculation :)

4th: to all of the lecturers of Pahang Matriculation College, KMPh since 2007-2009 especially to them:

Physics: En Yusnizi, Cik Habibah
Chem: Pn Tgku, Cik Zulhijah, En Mohd Zain
Math: Mdm Rusydah, Miss Norazam, En Azmil
BI: Madam Sajana, Miss Wani,
Comp Scs: En Ruzman
PAI: Ustz Asri, Ustz Ubaidillah 

Alhamdulillah,,, after a struggle life at matriculation, finally i got to continue my further study in my dream course which is in bac of education at UPM. Thus, Happy Teacher's day to all of the lecturers of UPM :)

Owh yaa,,, Before i forgot, thanks a lot to Diyana *congrats for being the 1st person wish me*, Issareni *my schoolmate* and Wani ganu *my PLKN's mate* for wish me Happy Teacher's day even i still have long way to go in bach of education.
Ouwh,,, miss my school life so bad. For that,
i really hope that 1 day i could back to the school again even not as a student anymore, Insya-Allah n_n

Sunday, May 9, 2010

hApPy mOm's dAy

I hope it's not too late...
So, with big hugs and kisses...

Mother's Day Myspace  Comments

to my mom,,, :)

You are the BESTEST and I'm the LUCKIEST 
and there is no one is as special as you...

You have a very special place
that no one else can fill
right here

Love Myspace Comments
in my heart
because you mean so much to me
and you always will

thanks for everything
thanks for your love you always shared with me
care which hugged me tight...
thanks for always open your arms when i needed a hug
thanks for always be with me when i needed a friend

I know that i will never find
a person as wonderful as you

even by travel all around the world and
no one can replace your place in my heart

By this opportunity, i also would like to wish HAPPY MOTHER's DAY to all mothers in the world and my beloved aunt...
Now, you are moving to one more step. The next step in the  process of educate your son as what you want him to be. I know it's not that easy BUT i believe you can do it, Insya-Allah. mmuahxxx
Love Myspace Comments
both of you too n_n

Friday, May 7, 2010

I want You

yAy! got a new task from anis ^^ *tengs ya* this is bout dream Mr Perfect. excited! excited! excited! hehe :D *gatai naa*

1. How tall should he be? taller than me for sure. protective. ngee ^^
2. What hair color should he have? hitam la. kalau dapat omputeh pun nak yang rambut colour hitam jugak. hee ;)
3. What kind of personality should he have? woo,,, feel like so many things are suppose to be listed. briefly...
  • of course agama. I need someone who will always be with me and guide me along the route towards Him. Insya-Allah...('_')
  • respect the elders like he respects his parents and family as well :)
  • can be my wonderwall. always lend an ear to me. a shoulder to cry on. a friend to rely on.
  • good sense of humor. sometimes can be serious *macho di situ, ahaks* but also love to kick back and joke around with me. cey cey sweet la konon *blushing*
  • love me and accept me for who i am ^_~
  • other : let me complete him ;)

4. Older or younger? older. sebaya pun ok.

5. What film actor should he most be like?
you always make me melt like an iceberg on the sea, honey ^.^
penangan Adam punye pasal. nasib baik la kau ni laki orang. ahaks :P main hoon naa - i'm here now :)

6. What singer should he most be like?
ouwh oppa... mmuahx3

7. Do they need to cook? harus la kalau tak sanggup makan maggi hari-hari. hee >.<

8. What is his best body part? need my answer? then it's gonna be private answer. grrrrr,,, :p

9. What car should he drive? hee,,, nak mini cooper macam Adam punya boleh? *dalam cite AdaMaya tu*

10. What one thing completely turns you on? when someone look me in the eyes. whisper softly close to me. listen completely to my every single word. ehem ;)

11. Who was the guy who is on your mind when you were doing this survey? refer to question 5 and 6 yup. hehe :D

12. Tag part

It's your turn now :)

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

tired but happy


I just coming back from programme 'Simposium Budaya Islam Darul Iman'. Not taking bath yet *hehe,,, too excited to on9* I got so many story to share later actually but leave it for a while because the 1st thing that I'm going to do now is answering the question that I have been tagged by Diyana :)

What is your full name?
Azri Safirah Binti Abdullah
Azri means strenght, Safirah means Ambassador *for extra mark, hee*

When is your birthday?
22nd August 1989 *go and save as reminder now! hehe*

How many siblings do you have?
1 dozen minus ten is equal to??? *calculate by your own :p*

Where do you live?
Terengganu Darul Iman

Your favourite colour(s)
Don't know since it always change but so far yellow is not in the list

Still studying?
Yup,,, student of upm

Do you have a bestfriend?
I don't think that there is a person who don't have bestfriend

Do you love them?
I will not going to call them bestfriend if i don't love them, ok

Pop or jazz?
Don't mind at all

Chicken or beef?
Why fish is not included?

Coke or 100plus?
Why i need to choose them? I don't like both :p

What brand is your purse?
Billabong... hehe,,, given by my bro

How much do you have in your wallet right now?
rm 40++

High heels or flat?
Learn to love high heels now *built confident level*. flat for comfort

Skirts or jeans?
Jeans but skirts are also acceptable :)

Shirt or blouse?
What if blousy shirt? Ngee ^^

Watch or bracelet?

Favourite watch's brand?
Bum equipment

Do you have girlfriend?
Nop *just kidding for the funny question*

Do you have a boyfriend?
Nop a boyfriend but boyfriendssssssssss... hahaha =))

Did you love her?
Always will

Did you ever kiss him?
Nauzubillah... *jawapan selamat*

Facebook or Myspace?
I have to face the book. mia,,haha =))
Myspace *already deleted*

What is your dream?
Why? Are there any people out there will fulfill my dream? *ngee,,love answer the question with question*

Last but not least, the next people you want to tag
Anyone want to