Huh,,, i'm not well today :(. I've got symptoms to get fever. It gives me a sore throat *kesat je rasa, dah kalis air dah tekak ni*. It makes me cough and sneezing *uhuk2,,, haisyim!* Asyik sebut nama abang hasyim je, hehe :p. Every breath i exhale felt so warm *boleh tak kalau tak nak nafas? hee*. Ni mesti sebab cuaca tak menentu *hujan panas, hujan panas*. Ok dah, kedatangan aku ke mari bukan nak cakap pasal ni pun. Hopefully i will get well soon :)
Adoiyaa,,, bila dah 24 hours on9 dan asyik menghadap laptop ni saja, bosan juga. Bukan juga la, memang bosan pun. But what can i do? I have no choice, yup. Urm,,, kebetulan, i've got new job *job la sangat*. Early of this week, Issareni asked me to help her to create a header for her blog. Aku on saja lagipun tak tahu nak buat apa jugak. But as usual, i had a problem to come up with great new idea. Yela, aku bukan pro pun bab-bab edit ni *edit biasa2 boleh la*. Baru saja dalam peringkat bertatih. Cuma 1 saja. Since i'm interested in it, that's why la aku keep going in it.
Thus, after i take a look for her new template, then i started to search the images that use the same colour elements which is white, black and red. From the search, i found so many interesting images but i manage to choose these 2 images:

The 1st image has given me an idea to create a header look like a turning page. Because of this is a new idea, i'm not that sure that i could make it. 2nd one was chosen because it suits to the template colours and the theme which is LOVE. However, i was stuck in the middle. How will i combine those images with her quote 'where there is great love, there r always miracles' and her pic?

Alhamdulillah for finally i found the way how to create and finish it. Taraa~~~

How it looks? simple right? Actually, i do not use the whole of this week to edit it. But because of i'm not in the right mood, that's why it took time before it was completely done. I just started edit it 2 nights ago. I started at 8 pm and stop 9 pm to watch 'The Biggest Loser' *hee,,, yang ni tak boleh miss*. Then i continued on editing at 10.30 pm. Everything has been done before 12 am. I was so satisfied because i could create it as what i wanted it to be. I am happy too when she loves it (:
Huu,,, i thought better i stop here since i have a headache right now. Tak boleh menghadap lappy lagi dah. Rasa macam ada orang main kompang pun ada kat dalam kepala ni. Argh,,, i need panadol for my head and strepsils for my throat. Tata ^^